Nimed Wires is a small-scale manufacturer specialized in premium quality cabling for home and professional sound recording and genuine sound reproduction. Let's take a brief look at the basic principles of sound playback and the role of cabling in order to have a better idea about our line of business and where we are among dozens of other cabling manufacturers.

Music is quintessential, living and natural, harmonious and all-embracing. A fully functional music path is primarily designed to provide the maximum possible fidelity in representation of the recording. The same principle should be followed when looking for components to build the music path. Tonal balance is the basic underlying principle of evaluation of any sound component, be it a signal source, wire or amplifier. Substance of sound will be lost irreversibly, if there is variation in the tonal balance at the output. Any variation in the tonal balance at a device output cannot be overestimated, as it means considerable and irremediable distortion of sound. Connection between all devices is designed with exactly the same purpose – to allow the sound to pass through unchanged, free of any self induced or peripherally induced changes. This is the prerequisite of passing the genuine sound further down the signal path. Although seemingly simple in theory, preservation of a genuine source signal becomes an actual challenge in practice. Our company has first done its homework by identifying the specifications and prerequisites, which have further enabled us to proceed with addressing this challenge. We have continued our research and development activities into such areas as material science, material resonance and eutectic alloys.

Our actual team of people was formed in 2010 of people guided by the idea of implementing a fully functional sound path for genuine sound reproduction as presented above. The multidisciplinary team of professionals has enabled the company to develop complex innovative state-of-the-art solutions. Careful attention to detail, which is as important in sound reproduction as it is in life, and clear objective make the hallmark of our company and determine our further development. Personal responsibility of each team member is another distinctive feature of our company.